Friday 14 October 2011


There was no lecture today but the tutorial was really beneficial in refining my idea. I was just going to focus on the portable exhibition space to support the light rail, and it was going to be transported via truck. After speaking with Jane, she directed me more to use the light rail itself to transport the entity to justify the concept and bring it back to the light rail idea. She also suggested that I actually design the light rail terminal to see exactly how it connects with the exhibition space. I think this is a good idea as it makes the entity a little bit more technical and a more holistic design concept. I also got speaking to Tom in our tutorial who is proposing a high speed rail that connects underneath Parliament House. He thinks it would be great if the light rail was to connect above this position to create a more integrated transport network, which I think is a really great idea. So this has given me some direction with what site to choose and focus on and the exact position that the parliament station will be. The site will be on a car park next to the large grass plane that is flat and easy to work with, as well as close to parliament house with views of the water. This will be a prime location for the exhibition space as it will be in an aesthetically appealing and well visited area. The light rail though will need to be incorporated at ground level and not elevated, as an elevated system will be too imposing on the area and disrupt vistas and views between the civic and parliament house. From here I will start to do a proper site analysis, design the light rail terminal which will be a generic form that can be used all over the city, and refine my exhibition space to attach to the terminal. This is the new site proposed, with the two carpark options available for the exhibition space:

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