Tuesday 18 October 2011


I was just flicking through one of the books that I borrowed from the library and found this floating pavilion that travels on water and can also be moved onto land to be used as a performance space or as a quiet retreat to read in the country. I thought the idea of the travelling space could be applied to my exhibition space, where a part of the exhibition structure could be permenantly assembled and used as an additional 'tourist' carriage of the light rail. Obvioulsy this would be quite small width direction, but could be quite long, so I will investigate the exact sizes for the light rail and see if this is viable for people to use. If not, it can still be incorporated into the light rail so people can see it moving from all over Canberra to represent a part of the exhibition entity. This could create intrigue to use the light rail, use the exhibition space, and also create a more interesting light rail structure. It will only be part of the light rail when it is travelling to another position around Canberra (along with the other kit of parts to the exhibition entity on the train) but maybe it could always be used in the light rail when there is no specific function at the exhibition entity and it is just used as a public space. These are just a few ideas, which brings me back to my original idea of the travelling restaurant to create a truly mobile entity. By today I need to have finalised the form of the exhibition entity and light rail station, as well as nut out the construction details of how the entity travels on the light rail while incoroporating this new idea. This is the project (Floating Pavilion by Fumihiko Maki + Maki and Associates)  that sparked the idea:

Portable Architecture- and unpredictable surroundings: Pilar Echavarria M.

This is an image of the pavilion being used as a stage that I found from a web site:

The following scan is just a few thoughts on the idea and some sketches relating to one of my original exhibition forms:

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