Sunday 9 October 2011


After speaking with Jane this week about my concept I am even more confused than before. The original idea was to create some kind of mobile restaurant/support service to help cater for the influx of people in different areas at different times of the year. My problems with this were... how does this relate to parliament? how is this justifiable? and how strong is the concept. She suggested to do an exhibition space which I thought would work well with the travelling restaurant originally as well. She also mentioned something about an educational function which I think could be quite successful. This travelling entity could feature all three of these things and be moved around Canberra for tourist attraction to provide extra exhibition spaces/outdoor auditorium and an educational aspect to educate people of the event, the city and of Australia? Could this also travel to parliament house and be used for functions like Q and A sessions with the public, press conferences, debating etc. Could the way of the future be for parliament to be more open to the publics point of view and somewhere were society has alot more say? Could this entity help bring the two sides of australia ( public and politians) together on this equal territory? Could this entity even be portable to different parts of Australia to act as a eductaional/communication facility that eductates people about the parliament? If this entity is really symbolic and interesting, than people may be attracted to it and actually want to engagae with parts of the government. Could the entity have the potential to be shifted to different parts of Australia to be used for public debates and discussion with politicians in remote areas? What would be the purpose of these policticans meeting in this entity rather than there parliamentary buildings? All of these different ideas and thoughts are running through my head and I really need to just come up with a solid concept to start my designs process. I think I will do a mind map and really just think out all options and ideas to hopefully come up with a strong outcome!

One part of the lecture this week talked about interactive architecture that people can engage with. I think this could also be another feature that could be included with the exhibition space as it would allow the entity to be appealing to all ages of people. This could be part of the educational aspect also, and could take form of special seating, virtual games/information, travelling landscapes etc. The more I think about Canberra and its meaning to Australia, the more I think that there isn't something that is really recognisable and interesting to represent the whole country. Maybe these interactive parts of the entity could be designed in a way to show off parts of Australia, like artwork or landscapes/icons.This again needs alot of research/refinement so the next stage is to develop my concept to fine detail and provide research and justification as to why I am designing this travelling entity and what its purpose is.

The following are my notes from the lecture and tutorial:

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