Tuesday 18 October 2011


To design an exhibition space that travels on the light rail, and to design the terminal for the light rail, I have to develop the finer details of the light rail itself like dimensions, number of carriages, road placement etc. The Sunshine Coast proposal uses two exemplars to support their elevated system and their at grade system. Since my new site is at ground level, I have done some research on the Gold Coast light rail proposal which is currently being constructed. This uses the Bombardier Flexity 2 light rail system, which is a good design to go off and develop my construction investigation, as it has been used all around the world. These are some images of the Bombardier model from a pdf brochure that explains all aspects of the system:


The following images are a few scans of some sketches of the light rail and how it will work with the storage carriages for the exhibition entity:

Adelaide is a city in Australia that currently uses this system. The light rail looks as though it is very much part of a shared zone with pedestrains, cyclists and motorists, and this specific station ( Entertainment Centre) looks like it isn't so much totally enlosed, but very much an outdoor space. This is what I want to achieve in my station design- semi open/outdoor public spaces to invite people into the area:

This link is also great in providing lots of examples of light rail technical drawing which will help when I am drawing up my design:

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