Monday 17 October 2011


I found this light rail station interesting as the coloured cubes change when the train comes into the station. I think if I incorporated this into my design somehow, that also ran in conjunction with the exhibition space lighting, a real presence could be felt around the area. The thing I have to be careful with though is relating the design to Parliament House as it is visible at each place, and somehow capturing/imitating the view:

It could also be benefitial if the station acted as a technology or communication hub, where people could go to charge the phones and laptops? Could this be possible through extensive solar power or some kind of sustainable energy? This is just the start to an idea, but I think something that is added to the station function could work well with the exhibition space and also push more people into using the terminal and exhibition space as an actual public space, and use public transport as it caters for more people and their needs.

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