Thursday 20 October 2011


The following are some sketches of the exhibition space and how it will connect to the station. I have figured out the general concept of how it fits together, and have now got to really nut out the construction and materials to make it really believable. I also have to work out how it will assemble on the train and how many loads/how the space will be broken up tp move from one place to another.

I have also been tryning to think of ways to design something that represents Australia and that people will easily recognise. I'm thinking that I will take the Australian colours- green and gold and create some kind of pattern/design that it used for the actual construction and exterior shell of the exhibition space. I don't want this to come across as being too obvious so maybe I might  use many different shades of these two colours so it blends with the landscape, but also creates something that will stand out in Canberra. This is a starting idea so hopefully I can develop this idea more to truly sum up Australia and relate to parliament. Here is a quick sketch of the colour patterning concept:
I have also been thinking of an idea to include a 'light box' within the pavilion shell, that is used as a structure that a screen projects onto. This can be used as an educational feature or to enhance a show or performace, or as an aesthetic feature that can change with every location the exhibition space moves. It can be constrcuted on wheels so it can move within the space depending on the function. Here is a quick sketch of the light box concept:


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