Wednesday 5 October 2011


So, i have been thinking of ways to make this entity really stand out. It has to be something that it interesting and iconic else people will just go to a normal restaurant and not bother to use this support service. I have had an idea of using the concept of the 'rubix cube' If i can somehow create spaces that are stackable, or are interchangable depending on what the use is at the time, then i could create each cube/space that represents each state and territory of Australia. In following with our original idea to seperate ecah state into a new country and have Canberra act as a place for the union where all politicians can meet, then the entity really needs to sum up the continent. Could there be different artworks that represent each state, almost like murals, or collage or photograph of each city? Could this be created by the community itself or up and coming australian artists? My idea now is that these spaces that are themed different 'cultures' of australia can create almost like a small community that acts as a support service and in conjuction with the light rail terminal to be a tourist attraction in itslef.

For example, could the restaurant/bar and eating area be themed QLD and NSW, an entertaining space and exhibition space be themed VIC, TAS, WA, SA and NT? Or could these different parts to the entity be representative of different cultures of Australia- beach, desert, hinterland etc. The challenge now is trying to work out what other spaces to include, I think an open area for markets, entertainment (music), art gallery could be successful but what about when it is not in use? I suppose this could be the advantage of having stackable, flexible and portable spaces, you only use what spaces you need at the time, and depending on the site.

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