Wednesday 31 August 2011

Project Progress 01...

The following diagrams are a general outline of the proposed station positions over a basic Google map. I just did this so I have a plan/vision of where the main attractions are and where a rail stop should go. I also chose spots that serviced surrounding suburbs and the existing transport links like the airport and country rail link. This will create a more mobile Canberra and cater for all demographics of people:

Claire then suggested I make a few adjustments to the plan to include the War memorial and also take the Parliament Station further out from the precinct to ensure it isn’t disturbed. The following is the updated version:

The following diagrams where current and successful train line maps to help me understand the way in which different networks work, and the most appropriate way to design our light rail routes. These were taken from the Dublin, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne networks. There bottom two diagrams show the current light rail network in Sydney, as well as the proposed light rail network that will extend our to Bondi:

The following maps, aerial views, and drawings of Canberra where found to very helpful in designing the stations to create the most successful route. They helped me to take out a basic site analysis of the area and make sure to include all cultural areas (sight seeing attractions), political areas (parliament house and accomodations for parliament related functions) and the general service to people of Canberra. This included hospitals, universities and surrounding suburbs of the area. From this analsysis I created my own network of stations over Canberra:

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