Wednesday 24 August 2011

National Identity...

The following was taken from the Canberra Spatial Plan and is just one of the many stratgies created for Canberra's future. I though this one, National Capital significance, best related to our concept and may be of use to us. The point I found quite interesting was intentions to "Create a clear sense of arrival into the Territory from the major approach routes including the gateway through Majura Road". I think this is an important idea as Canberra is the national capital so some kind of grand entrance is needed. The main road that connects the airport to the city moves through a country town, and the feeling of entering the 'national capital' wouldnt be very grand at all. Sure you can see capital hill from most areas, and probably get a sense of being in the parliamentary capital, but what about some kind of structure/building/landscape that really gave you a sense of arrival and excitement. Could this even be integrated into a light rail terminal that started at the airport so tourists had an easy option of jumping straight onto the light rail system for a scenic tour of Canberra? Would this create a strong sense of identity to people arriving both domestically and internationally and create a different feeling to arriving in Sydney or Melbourne? The outcomes for the plan were to keep the unique national capital elements protected while enabling growth and change, allow the bush capital image to be preserved, make sure the ‘garden city’ principles are retained, and that the hills, ridges and gullies are protected as part of the landscape setting of Canberra. I think these are all important aspects to think of when proposing any changes to Canberra, and I think we should take the viewpoint that Canberra is an 'exemplar' city for the rest of the country as it is the capital. It should be the main priority to allow it to remain 'the garden city', as the is the only city in Australia that is unique in this way, so we should be celebrating and enhancing it to show this off as best as possible.
"As the national capital, Canberra is the symbolic heart of Australia. It represents Australian society, culture and diversity, and the attitudes of the nation. The buildings and physical elements of the city are important to the character of the national capital, as is the significance of the city in the hearts and minds of all Australians. The landscape setting of the ACT has also been a central element of Canberra’s planning policy, establishing Canberra’s image as the ‘bush capital’ and as a garden city.
Policy response
  • Preserve landscape features that give the national capital its character and setting.
  • Key elements of Walter Burley Griffin’s formally adopted plan for Canberra will be respected and reinforced within the proposed urban settlement pattern.
  • Approaches and backdrops to the city and its national institutions (shown on Map 10 — Areas of National Capital Significance) will be enhanced and strengthened. The Central National Area as defined by the National Capital Plan will be enhanced and strengthened with life brought into the area by allowing housing in areas where office employment occurs.
  • Open space between urban areas will be conserved as visual separation buffers as indicated in the landscape setting.
  • Areas that are identified as the rural setting surrounding the city will be retained.
  • Key vistas will be retained within new settlement areas.
  • The ‘garden city’ principles will be retained, with urban open space within districts protected.
  • Preserve the Territory’s bush capital image by continuing to protect hills, ridges and gullies, watercourses and major water features (including the urban lakes) from urban development through the National Capital Plan and the Territory Plan. All areas indicated as landscape setting and rural setting in the Spatial Plan will be appropriately protected through amendments to the National Capital Plan and variations to the Territory Plan.
  • Working with the National Capital Authority, the Territory will limit any undesirable effects of urban growth and change on key elements of the national capital and of Walter Burley Griffin’s plan.
  • Working with the National Capital Authority, the Territory will identify any required amendments to the National Capital Plan to allow mixed land uses in the Central National Area so that residential development can occur in appropriate locations adjacent to, and within, major employment areas.
·      Create a clear sense of arrival into the Territory from the major approach routes, including the gateway through Majura Road. Clear entry statements will be established (the treatment of which will need to be determined). The city’s approach routes will be protected, including those outside the ACT borders, as far as possible from inappropriate ad hoc development by providing enough development opportunities in more appropriate locations to satisfy market demand and through agreements with NSW State and Local Governments."

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