Monday 29 August 2011

Project 1 Panel Layouts..

This was the first draft for the panel layout for our presentation on Friday, which was mentioned in the blog from last tutorial..
After some more thought on our concept to support our idea of enhancing Canberra, not moving the capital, Claire came up with the idea of transforming each state of Australia into a country, and creating one common Ausrtalian union in Canberra. This was developed from the original thought of politicians constantly moving around Australia in an un-sustainable way. If each state was a country and had its own resources and governments to rely on, would it reduce the travelling of politicians? This is similar to the way Europe is run, and would allow each country to be more sustainable and self-sufficient. The concept would also help to enhance Canberra, as it would become more densified and act as a 'gateway' into the continent, and may even reduce the amount of migration for people between countries as well as politicians. This concept will create more of an argument for the light rail proposal within Canberra to justify why it is viable to build this new form of infrastructure in the city. This was the thought process for Claire when developing this idea, as well as our new panel layout...

We have decided to split up the work of the project so each person does one panel. This will be the easiest way as then we can bring it together over the next couple of days and make adjustments where needed as a group. At this stage, Claire will do the first panel, I will do the second and Dee will do the third. So now we really have to get moving and get this concept on paper as the exhibition is fast approaching!

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