Wednesday 10 August 2011

Mobile Architecture Example...

This exemplar explains older concepts and theories of mobile architecture and various meanings of the term. This reading helped me to gain a better understanding of the reasons for mobile architecture in the past and the different interpretations of the concept. I like the idea of things like walls, floors etc. being mobile an the infrastrcuture being fixed to create changing environments for the user:

"In 1960 Friedman published his two seminal manifestos, Architecture Mobile and La Ville spatiale. He defines the function of the space frame as follows: Critical for the Ville Spatial is what I call ‘spatial infrastructure’: a multi-storey space-frame-grid, which is supported by widely-spaced piles. This infrastructure forms the fixed element of the city. The mobile element consists of walls, base-surfaces and dividing walls which make the individual division of the space possible; it could be called the ‘filling’ for the infrastructure. All elements which come into direct contact with the users (i.e. those they see, touch etc.) are mobile, in contrast to the infrastructure, which is used collectively and remains fixed."

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