Saturday 27 August 2011

Future Possibilities...

Claire found a website called forums for the future- megacities on the move
( that made little videos of future scenarios. They are just cartoons but are quite interesting to get insight and ideas of crazy ways we are heading for the future. Some of the scenarios are quite scary but believable which is why I think it’s important to keep our options open for anything. For example, a total ban on cars could be possible which is why a new train network would be a good investment for the future. This leaves options open to be completely virtually run or possibly running on different resources in the future- adaptable to changing conditions.
These were the main points for each one.
1) Planned-opolis: robots, mega computer in charge of the whole city, electric bikes, car parks used to grow food, a total ban on cars in central areas.
2) Sprawl-ville: virtual jobs for teaching, students learning online-no school, many jobs non-existent- entrepreneurs bought out all government jobs, people feel powerless.
3) Renew-abad: Virtual dinners with family overseas, computer controlled vehicles- integrated transport, service jobs are more valuable, hydro pods used for cars.
4) Communi-city: no one uses public transport- money has been put into other things, everyone drives, grows biofuel in own yard.

I also found an article that reflected on these issues that had some good points about what is needed for the future, with the main factors discussing transportation methods and the need to integrate these. This is a major task so as long as we are starting to think about smaller things we can do now to cater for the future (like a sustainable light rail network=less cars on the road) then we are on the right track!

"Go beyond the car.
Current growth rates in car ownership are simply unsustainable. We need alternative ways of getting around, and new business models which encourage on-demand access to cars rather than simply ownership. We need urban planning mandates that prevent further sprawl, make it easy to walk around local communities, and provide access to key goods and services.

Integrate, integrate, integrate.
Energy, transport, business, public services and food supply can no longer be considered in isolation. We need to create integrated mobility systems that will provide people with choice, flexibility and seamless connectivity - whether they are travelling from one place to another or accessing goods and services in all sorts of different ways.

Change people's behavior.
Many of our future challenges are shaped by people's values, behavior and preferences. We need to think about ways to influence these social norms in positive ways to promote low-carbon, healthier lifestyles. The leading mobility players of the future will plan today to influence lifestyles, rather than simply relying on putting more cars on the road or developing additional road infrastructure.

None of this is science fiction. In each of these six areas, we can already see the green shoots of 'sustainable mobility' breaking through in cities all around the world. One way or another, it's going to be an exciting ride!"

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