Wednesday 24 August 2011

Canberra Spatial Plan...

I thought this information (taken from the Canberra Spatial Plan website) was interesting as it talks about a new structure for Canberra due to an expected population of 400000 by 2032. There is also a prediction for an ageing population which causes a number of factors like infrastructure, housing, transport to consider for the future, and are possible avenues that we could consider for our project. It was helpful to analyse the maps o future and current zoning and transport links for the ACT. One main link was the high speed rail through the north south axis of the ACT to connect both Melbourne and Sydney. This could potentially also connect to a light rail system concept in Canberra and provide direct access from other areas. After some more research though it was found that there is a country link that connects Sydney to Canberra, but the end of the rail line doesn't finish near the airport or centre of town. This means that you would then have to get a bus or rental car to get into the city centre or parliament hill, which is why another form of transport like the light rail system would effectively be able to continue this journey.  The graph below shows the predicted population increase. As you can see there is only a estimated 50, 000 people increase within the next 20 years which isnt a whole lot. This is why a new network system could potentially bring people into the area more easily and create a more sustainale, populatd and compact centre.

"The 1967 Y-Plan which has remained as the key strategic plan until now, provided for Canberra to grow through the creation of separate districts in the form of a ‘Y’.

The Canberra Spatial Plan departs from the Y-Plan in key areas by seeking to provide a more sustainable and compact city form. However, it does not resile from the multicentred model of the Y-Plan, nor ‘undo’ it.

In developing The Canberra Spatial Plan, consideration was given to areas that were capable of urban development within the ACT (Map 3 – Urban Capable Land). These areas were identified through examination of factors that may constrain, or potentially limit, the location of future urban development, including social, physical and environmental constraints. Generally these are areas currently undeveloped for urban purposes but excluding conservation areas, river corridors, habitats for endangered species and areas of steeply sloping land (20% or more). Sustainability principles were applied to determine suitability of this land for urban settlement (Map 4 – Urban Suitable Land). Key issues included maximising access to and use of existing services and facilities and infrastructure, minimising the need for new transport links and travel times, maintaining the sense of place of the city, protecting biodiversity, ensuring fiscal responsibility for the Territory and supporting employment opportunities."

The following is a link to the ACT'S government infrastructure plan for 2010, which is also very useful-

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