Sunday 25 September 2011


I didn't attend the lecture or tutorial this week as I was sick. I had a read through the lecture notes and came across this slide that really started to make me think about how my idea relates to parliament. 

Your Architectural Entity needs to assist people to:

•Debate Political/Social/Cultural issues.
•Make Political/Social/Cultural decisions.
•Take actions.
•Do so through Flexible, Mobile, Distributed and/or Virtual means.
•Understand it constitutes the Australian Capital Territory.

I still don’t know how my design will directly relate to parliament, apart from being able to move the entity to the parliament precinct so it can be used when there is conference or event on. I somehow have to make the entity be very symbolic and innovative so people will actually use it and so it will be recognized throughout Australia.

I borrowed out a heap of books from the library on portable/mobile/ephemeral architecture which will hopefully start me off the right direction with the project. I have only flicked through one book but found the word ‘prefab’ keeps coming up so have also started doing some research into that on the internet which is very helpful. Most designs are houses, but have opened me up to some possibilities of the way in which these kinds of designs can be transported and the size of spaces etc. Hopefully after this research I can get a clear concept in how I will actually go about designing a mobile restaurant and support space, whether being for entertainment, market space, retail etc.

"Mobile: The art of Portable Architecture" by Jennifer Siegal was one of the books that I borrowed from the library, which featured a few interesting mobile concepts. One was called 'Ret.Inevitable 1.5', which acted as a project room that uses white spandex stretched from floor to ceiling to create a large cinematographic experience:

Another design was called 'The e-HIVE', which I thought used diagramming in a really effective way. It uses exploded views as well as sequence diagramming, which allows the design to be easily read and understandable. This is something that I hope to achieve in my design:

There was also another design 'Mobile event city architecture' that caught my eye, just in the imagery and the collage type effect used to convey the design in context. Although the style is a little different to what i'm used to, it is very interesting and something I may explore:

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