Thursday 1 September 2011

Project Progress 03...

After creating the base map to show where each stop was positioned over Canberra and the connectivity within the city that the network will provide, I started to create a base diagram to apply different layering over the city infrastructure. These are designed to show political, social, cultural and physical aspects of what is needed for our light rail proposal. Originally I used the diagram shown below using a 3d aerial map, where I was going to create each layer over the top of the existing street network:

After some more playing around with Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as some help from Claire, I changed the map so the layering is easier to read and makes more of an impact. To represent each relation between the rail and its purpose/outcome (cultural, social, physical and political), I highlighted each series of stops in a different colour. The cultural links connect all tourist attractions in Canberra, social links connect stops like universities, hospitals and suburbs to service the community, the political links connect school camp accomodation and politicians lodges within the city to capital hill, and the physical connection is a 3d diagram showing the existing road network that is used to support our proposal. All of these are linked to the existing country rail link and the airport to create direct access in and out of the city:





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