Friday 9 September 2011


We had our week 7 tutorial today and it was interesting to see what Jane had to say about our presentation last week. I was very happy to hear that we passed! My initial thoughts after last week was that we would each design a different light rail terminal as different ‘gateways’ into the capital. After talking with Jane though, we decided that we had to create something that was a mobile form of architecture, not just a concept built on the movement of people. So, from this, we started thinking about changes/ additions we could do to the light rail to try and incorporate something that was more based on the mobility concept. After Claire and I looked up the actual meaning of mobile (able to move or be moved freely), these were some initial thoughts:
-        Moving terminals: terminals that are mobile around Canberra
-        Moving what is happening at each station: have an activity/function/program/ that is able to be moved around to the different stations in Canberra
-        Moving a precinct- increasing mobility/ creating a portable structure within an area around a station: providing a function around the main civic centre
-        Moving the ‘experience’: take on a aspect (cultural) and enhance this concept through the sequence of events for the user through a mobile device
Claire is pretty certain that she is going to focus on the Russel area, and create a terminal and form of mobile architecture within the area, around the proposed light rail station. I think this is a key area as it acts somewhat of an entrance into the city, where you can either travel by light rail to the Capitol Hill area or into the city. To continue on with this theory, I think I might focus on the city/museum area as this is the main cultural district or Canberra and has the most activity. There could also be potential to extend this to the parliament house and the cultural functions that take place around the hill. At this stage I am a bit unsure where to take the project, but I think I might focus on the cultural/tourist side to the proposal and try to enhance the rail even further by creating something that runs in conjunction with the light rail.
Maybe this could be trying to introduce something like the New York Highline that is portable to create small public places that can move to suit the needs of the city. Sometimes this could be situated next to the museum station that looks out to the water to create a general public area. This could have the potential to draw more people in and create more lively public areas. Could these be small hubs or TOD’S? Could this even encourage more built up areas and development? These hubs could then move to the parliament station when there is an important function or public event? This could create something that the general public can relate to and not make everything so formal- more informal/flexible spaces for everyone to enjoy, not segregated groups.
Maybe this has to be something more specific; I’m just not sure what at this stage. It’s easy enough to say a ‘public space’, but what does that really mean. What other function could this serve to make it truly viable? How can I create something that will enhance the light rail and parliament, while allowing it to moveable? How can I create something that really makes sense?

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