Friday 9 September 2011


I was just doing some general research into public spaces and came across this website:

It speaks of a public square in Alabama with a mobile aspect to it that is used for all sorts of things like markets, art events, and cultural activities for the community.
Could I possibly design something that would create a public area/series of moveable spaces to enhance the community feel in Canberra and allow it to be a more inviting and liveable city?

Could this be something that represents the culture of Australia? After all, when people visit Canberra don't they make sure they visit all the cultural attractions of the city? One of the main attractions would be the museum near the main centre of Canberra. Could there somehow be a mobile stage/act/performance/interactive show/library/market- somekind of attraction that changes to represent different parts of the museum (dfferent cultures/history of Australia) at different times of the year to show off Australia? Could this be something that Canberra could be recognized for nation wide? Could this be the solution to enhancing the dead/unused and out of proportion spaces throughout Canberra?

These are just some starting ideas which I think would be ideal in enhancing the light rail system and bringing Canberra to life. My concern is the relation to parliament and creating a mobile form or architecture that has a strong and viable connection to the light rail. These are issues I will keep chipping away at! Here is another website which features mobile street furniture, stages for street performers and all sorts of things to bring Milan to life and create truly interactive public spaces:

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