Tuesday 1 November 2011


So, over the last few days I have been modelling up the transportable cafe/toilets that attaches to the exhibition space and can move from place to place by truck. As I am using recycled shipping container for the frame, I have found it quite hard to fit everything width ways because this dimension is only small. After researching shipping container sizes I have decided to design two different containers- the cafe which will be the standard container size (6m x 2.6m) and the toilets which will be the large container size (12m x 2.6m). This is so public toilets can fit in as well as private toilets/showers for the backstage. These will both join in the same position and look like they are one entity but will be two separate structures.

A few weeks ago I came up with the idea of using some kind of Australian landscape/mural/artwork in some part of my design to create something that really represents Australia and that the exhibition can be recognised for. I think I will try to incorporate this concept into the travelling cafe/toilets, by creating some kind of pattern using different landscapes. I am thinking maybe using the green, blue, yellow colours of a beach landscape, reds and oranges of the desert etc to create block colours and design some kind of tiling over the containers.  Here are a few snap shots of the container forms progress:

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