Wednesday 9 November 2011


The following are my final panels for the presentation. Sadly I got really sick on the morning of the presentation from lack of sleep which pushed my printing back, so I wasn't able to pick up my project to late afteroon on Tuesday. I got to uni just in time to hand in my work, but was really upset that I didn't get a chance to present to the class. The text on the summary panel to sum up my proposal reads:

The travelling EXHIBITION is a mobile pavilion that has been designed to work in conjunction with the proposed LIGHT RAIL network in CANBERRA. The Light Rail is a sustainable system that increases mobility within a city, and works very well for somewhere like Canberra that is spread out and nature-orientated. To support this rail network, the travelling EXHIBITION has been created to cater for the changing influx of people using the light rail throughout the year. As there are many festivals, events and exhibitions that take place in Canberra, a flexible pavilion space is perfect for many functions and is easily ADAPTABLE to any site. The lightweight pavilion can be simply packed up within two days and moved via the Light Rail to another location. These locations have been selected based on the popularity of the area and the need for a support service to help serve Canberra. Light Rail ‘platforms’  have been designed for people getting on and off the train, and form part of the mobile exhibition space. These structures are similar to create a distinct connection, and both use the same kind of construction to allow the concept to be truly portable. A fully containable amenities block and  cafe have also been designed to connect with the pavilion and create a space  FUNCTIONAL for every occasion.

The travelling EXHIBITION  is adaptable to future needs and changing PARLIAMENTARY FUNCTIONS. With the growing want for ‘peoples say’ in political issues, the pavilion is perfect for forums, Q and A sessions, information sessions and community meetings between the general public and politicians. The space will create a ‘common ground’ between both parties where everyone can have a say and make a difference. It’s bringing the PARLIAMENT to the PEOPLE in a more sustainable way.   The unique feature of the travelling exhibition space is its VERSITILITY through MOBILITY and FLEXIBILITY to  create a space that is always in use and forever changing to suit new needs of AUSTRALIA.

The travelling EXHIBITION will be iconic to both CANBERRA and AUSTRALIA because it is something that people will recognise and want to experience. It will be easily accessible and relative to the culture and people of Canberra, tourists coming on holiday to the area, and POLITICIANS interacting with the PUBLIC in a more informal manner".

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