Thursday 10 November 2011


So overall I am fairly happy with how the semester turned out. After the mid-semester group submission I was really struggling with coming up with a concept so I'm glad I eventually got there in the end. At the start I had a lot of trouble trying to link an exhibition space to parliamentary functions, but in the end I think the whole concept would work really well for the parliament in the future. To create a space that is common ground for everyone, and create a more sustainable, flexible and interesting space, a new form of parliamentary activity is created and one that can be forever changing to suit future needs of Australia. By using something like the travelling exhibition for things like public forums, debates, Q and A sessions and information and education sessions, the general public will be more likely to want to take part in parliamentary events. As Canberra is the capital of Australia, the city should act as a cultural hub and show off what Australia has to offer. The pavilion will draw people into Canberra and become an icon of the city, as well as create an interesting perspective for politicians to take part in when visiting the city. The light rail is a fundamental part of the design, as it is used to carry the pavilion from place to place. This will also attract more people to the light rail, as they will feel as they can almost ‘follow’ the pavilion from location to location. In conclusion, the entity will maximise mobility of the people within Canberra and encourage people to visit the city, as well as creating a unique alternative to current parliamentary spaces that will act a starting point to future changes.

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